CAMP UPDATESMelvin Creek - Photo by John Baldwin

(provided by Rosalin Sam)

February 17, 2005


After receiving many emails and calls and visits from concerned people I thought that I would write this update and inform as to what is happening.

There has been a petition going around the town of Lillooet pushing for the resort to go through, for the sake of jobs for the white people of the town and being pushed by the past mayor, and the younger generation also. They are having meeting, secretly supposedly, to find way to push for the resort. It's been on the news again this morning on the Global channel with Al Raine talking and pushing the resort. There has been talk in Vancouver that there is going to be a lot of jobs soon because the resort is a must and has to be built by 2010.

NGR's permit is valid only till August of this year. What has to happen because of this late time for the building permit, because the resort should have been started by now is; Al Raine will have to apply for an extension on his permit, before he can go into the valley to do anything. To ask for an extension he will have to do a reassessment of the area, after he makes an application to the Gordon Campbell government. I say Gordon Campbell because that is who is in office right now. He will have to explain why he wants an extension and asked why he has not started by now. All this information came from Victoria via supporters. To do a reassessment he will have to tell the truth about the area, on our animals, and that we use the lands. To tell the truth will make it hard for him to be granted the extension. But we also have to remember 2010 to push for a big show case. Of course we the St'at'imc still say that there will be not ski resort in Sutikalh.

With the full support of our St'át'imc Chiefs, and of the St'at'imc people, and supporters from all over the world I do not see any resort in Sutikalh. But for the safety for our guys in camp I strongly suggest that people continue to stop in on their way through just to make sure things are okay.

I ask you to continue to keep your ear to the ground and keep me up to date on the things that you hear and what you see. I am fundraising for the 2005 anniversary, which will be on April 30th and May 1st, so mark this on your calendars.


The year 2003 in Sutikalh

Here it is year three in Sutikalh. Many things have happened since last May, but our connections to the lands are still the same. Without out lands we don't have our animals, birds, streams, fish, trees, air, berries, medicines. Without our lands we lose our laws, language, cultural customs and our families. Without our lands we are no longer a people of the St'at'imc Nation. So the struggle to save our St'at'imc lands is still first and foremost in my life and in the lives of people in Sutikalh. As our lands become smaller and smaller you may have noticed it is becoming harder and harder to find our berries; hunt our deer; pick our medicines.

I now have many contacts from the world over, with good supporters who often write and ask how things are in camp. We have had visitors from Japan, with the Ainu people, who returned with a different group of people from last year; from South America, and far south as Guatemala; from the Netherlands, a reporter who will be coming back; from our Chinese friends in Vancouver, who visit three or four times a year; from the anti-poverty group in Vancouver; No games coalition in Vancouver; from Australia; Germany; Norway; Switzerland; a Student journalist form Vancouver, and visitors from other Indian Nations.

I have been to Places talking, and been interviewed by several TV and Radio media, talking about Sutikalh and the connection to the Winter Olympic games. The games and the resort are all the same people; Nancy Greene-Raine and her husband Al Raine. We, who are now called the Indian problem, are now in the hands of the provincial government.

Nancy and Al Greene-Raine have till August to start building or they will lose the permit that they received to build the ski resort this the message from a source inside the government. If they do not build then they have to wait five years to reapply for another permit. This tells me that they will either push to start building this spring and summer, or push to negotiate with us. As far as I am concerned there is nothing to negotiate IT IS ALL OURS.

As for the Olympic games, within our St'at'imc Territory I still say no to the destruction that it would cause to our lands in Whistler, there is already enough damage done. What will happen is a lot of our history will be lost there, in the Callaghan Valley, our trees that are 100 years old, our medicines, the natural habitat of the black bears (the bears already have a people problem in whistler and many are destroyed and relocated each year).

All of our huckleberry patches are gone in the Whistler area. If we do see the berries it is questionable if we can eat them from all of the pollution in the area, from the sewage and garbage left by the people. I told the IOC that they cannot destroy any more of our lands, for the sake of a sport. I have nothing against the sport that goes along with the Games, but please don't destroy our lands because of it. As our War Vet Elder said "Send the games back to where they came from Greece or Rome, they don't need to claim any more of our lands." As the countdown of the days draws closer as to where the games are to be held I pray the games will be held in Switzerland or Korea. I connect Sutikalh and the Games because should the games come to whistler then for sure the push in Sutikalh will begin. Also because there has been, in the bid book proposal by the Bid committee themselves, to Connect Sutikalh and the games.

I would like to say a BIG thank you to ALL of our supporters from the past three years, who have dedicated their time so support us in our Struggles to save our lands from a massive destruction, With your help the word get out, with your help we got food, and supplies needed through the three years.

With your help we are able to connect with the rest of the world who are watching and asking questions of our government. For that I would like to say again a BIG THANK YOU!!

Rosalin Sam, Lil'watool of the St'at'imc Nation. Kukstamulhkalap takem' swat

OUR ANNIVERSARY, May 3rd, 2003

The weather was true to its word Sutik (wintry), we all kinds of it; hail, snow, rain, wind, sun, fog, but it did now dampen our spirits to our celebrations. We had good visits and lots of good talks, songs, drumming, lots of food it was great.

As Marty says when you come to Sutikalh we are all equal because, we are all there for the same reason, saving our mountain from the destruction, planned by Al and Nancy Greene-Raine.  

The whole day was so calm the children were running around enjoying the fresh air and the freedom to run, and play their games. The youth were planning for the proposed up coming conference. The Adults were sitting around the campfire, singing, and drumming, talking calmly to one another and enjoying the peace of it all. What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday.

I know that some of the people are still skeptical about going to Sutikalh from past history but I truly believe that is all in the past now. And we have started anew. I cannot apologize for the past and I cannot say it won't happen again but I can promise that I will so my utmost to kept it open for your visit. Like the past the coffee is always on, if you can stop, or give your horn a honk as you drive by to let Hubie know that you are thinking about him and whoever is there with him.

There has been two proposal put to the camp one; the IIYC (International Indigenous Youth Council) want to host a youth conference in the year 2004 (summer) in Sutikalh, and some of the guys want to have some hiking tours into Melvin lake for the summer to raise funds to upgrade the camp for the winter. This proposal with the youth would be great for our youth to host the world coming to St'at'imc Territory (what a great opportunity for them).

We still need some work done on our estken, I know that you have heard me say it over and over again, but I sure would like to see it finished this year. Our green house needs some work and new plastic, and we need some seeds for a garden.

Thanks to all who came for our anniversary and thanks for your donations it was a big help to Hubie and the guys.

Kukstumulhkalap takum swat.

Rosalin Sam, Lil'watool of the St'at'imc Nation.

More Information:


This page was put together by the Resist! Collective to support the work of those defending Melvin Creek. Text and artwork on this site comes from camp occupants and involved supporters. For further information, please contact Sutikalh; c/o Rosalin Sam; P.O. Box 309; Mount Currie, B.C.; V0N 2K0. Canada
Phone: 604-894-2400; Fax: 604-894-6841; e-mail: